The Conditions to Play TENNIS

Dear reader,

The fourth and newest studio album by the married couple/sexy duo of Patrick Riley and Alaina Moore is a dream within a dream upon a boat of clouds on a sea composed entirely of ecstasy.  This album (to be released later this March) was conceived half at land and half at sea. The couple’s sail boating expeditions was a major influence to the new record. It is an album of romance that addresses ideals of matrimony as well as the deep connections that bind lovers.

The low-fidelity stream of fuzz washes over the listener and makes time pass by in a hypnotic haze. It feels like a lazy afternoon with a sweat heart, there is no desire for it to end, but seems to flow by too fast.  There is strong resemblance of 60’s bubble gum pop throughout this album seemingly made for matrimony.  Everything is seeped in a romantic entanglement that will cause lovers’ hearts to sing. (Those alone can enjoy it as well. Someone please love me?)

“Ladies Don’t Play Guitar” as well as “Modern Woman” and “In the Morning I’ll Be Better” question modern stereotypes of women, as well as mix in the place of love within the context of a changing world. Each song is a beautiful ballad sang by Moore with the guitar work of Riley.  Sweet and thorough, this album exhibits a modern day sweetness with an older sound.

The album is a stunning display of love and the a powerful homage to those songs of the past that tug at the heartstrings of those drunk-in-love. I hope that at some point soon I will be able to woo someone with this fantastic album. Until that day, I shall remain forlorn, except, of course, for the  musical stylings of TENNIS that help to remind both those in love and those without that it can be a magical experience. TENNIS brings the magic with this album and makes me feel a little less alone.

“Yours Conditionally”,


(Here is a little taste)